Cellio is at the center of a picturesque valley that opens to the left of the territory of Borgosesia

This is the main village in the middle of a beautiful and picturesque valley that opens to the left of the territory of Borgosesia. And it is really this particular area: departs from the "style" of the middle valley, anticipates gracefully profiles typical of mountain resorts that meet further north but at the same time maintains the characteristics of residential distinction thanks to its built-up area harmonious, elegant, important .

From Borgosesia, past the small fraction of Plello, the road goes towards Cellio, in the heart of a boscosissima area, which embeds itself, with a happy visually dominated by the bell tower, the tallest in the Sesia Valley, the parish church of San Lorenzo.

A pleasant country in every respect, even his small town has several interesting angles

A position to say just wonderful for this important and monumental church, a reference point for the many places fractional, distributed in the district of the country is on the side of the valley is on the hills that open southwest. The architect Pellegrino Tibaldi the reformed and expanded in the second half of the '600 with a spectacular result majestic; among the works of art conserved here a beautiful altarpiece Tanzio Varallo, several frescoes Peracino, furniture, carvings, relics, urns. Many in the interest of conservation and jealous.

Cellio is a pleasant country in every respect and even his small town has several interesting angles, in which find a good network of services that qualify the dynamic life of the country. We also contribute a great Pro Loco and an enterprising local who reveals love of history, culture and traditions of this brilliant center Valsesian.


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